consumed with love for animals, he helps them any way he can

This 10-year-old boy loves animals so much he helps thousands of needy animals.

A 10-year-old boy in Canada was born with a deep love of all animals. His unconditional love for animals drives him to help all needy animals.

When Kashton “Kash” Weinber began walking, he walked dogs, according to WZDX News Fox TV. Unlike other young children, he didn’t cuddle stuffed teddy bears; he snuggled with cats, the TV station said in its article. And when he began reading, the station said, he read animal biology books.

Kash’s unconditional love for animals is so deep they love him back.

He even strikes up conversations “on the importance of preserving the pangolin, a type of anteater on the brink of extinction due to trafficking,” WZDX News said.

His unconditional love for animals is so deep they love him back. His mother, Jules Gendron, told the station that Kash “seemed to be one of those people that animals naturally gravitate and flock to.”

Animal shelters also recognize that Kash has a unique love for all living creatures. The station’s article pointed out that animal shelters will call him when an exotic animal comes in “because they knew he would not only be thrilled but would have a calming influence on anything from a python to pangolin.”

how Kash came to help animals

Even when Kash volunteered to walk dogs, WZDX News said he told his mother he wanted “to help with my own money.”

Gendron said in the article that she and her husband gave the “typical parent response of, ‘Your time is plenty.'” But that wasn’t enough for Kash. “He wanted to do more he said.”

That’s when he “came up with the idea of using another family hobby to fund his determination of helping animals: woodworking,” the article pointed out.

When Kash was seven, his father taught him woodworking skills. He took those skills and “decided to try and sell his woodworks and donate 100-percent of proceeds back to organizations and shelters helping animals,” the station said.

Like many others who create handmade crafts, Kash’s “drive led him to canvass “local craft shows and stores to sell his crafts,” the station said.

Kash’s Kreations helps needy animals

That’s when his business, Kash’s Kreations, was born. “In two years,”the station reported, “he has raised over $4,000.” (Click Kash’s Kreations to view his Facebook page.)

Through his business, he sells “wooden toy robots or ‘block bots'” worldwide, WZDX News noted. Kash told the station that each block bot “takes about an hour to make” and “brings kids joy and help animals at the same time!”

The station said that Kash, through his current business plan, donates “half of his funds to animals” and keeps “the others half for supply costs.” In addition, the article said that he “hopes to save money in hopes of fulfilling his dream of opening his own unique animals shelter.”

helping needy and abandoned dogs

The 10-year-old also wants to acclimate “abandoned dogs to home life” through a shelter he hopes to build on his family land, according to WZDX News.

Many needy dogs in shelters, he told the station, are “overlooked because they’re not ‘kid or home’ friendly.” He said that with the “love and care that he would provide with his shelter, he could get dogs adjusted to life inside a home and therefore, adopted.”

a mini Steve Irwin with a heart of gold

Nicknamed the”mini Steve Irwin,” Kash is “home schooled which allows him to spend his time doing what he loves: helping animals,” the article said, noting that he hopes to “become a wildlife biologist and conservationist.”

His mother said her son “has the purest heart of gold,” and she is “beyond proud of him.” She said, “People always ask, ‘Is he actually ten?'”

Because of Australia’s months-long bushfire catastrophe, Kash has “transferred his woodworking skills to sewing in order to make pouches for kangaroos and koalas,” the station noted.

His wanting to help the animal victims of Australia’s fires doesn’t surprise his mother.

She told WZDX News, “It really opens your eyes to see the kind of passion he has that relates into a work ethic at ten years old,” Gendron said. “He just always asks, ‘What can I do to help the animals?’”

Read more about and see a picture of the boy who unconditionally loves and helps all needy animals.

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