Two veterinarians couldn’t figure out what was wrong with Buddy. Only after he was admitted to a university teaching hospital’s veterinary clinic did veterinarians discover why he was so ill. He died from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever that he got from a tick bite and also from a secondary infection, pneumonia.
Could medical marijuana have eased his suffering or saved his life? Our daughter, Jenny, his owner, will never know.
Many people ask themselves this questions when their pets are hurting or dying: Have I done all that I could have done to help ease my pet’s pain? Could I have saved my dog’s life with medical marijuana?
Today, more pet owners are thinking about medical marijuana for pets.
In Seattle, a woman’s 14-year-old dog, Georgia, had a stroke. Medical marijuana saved Georgia’s life, according to her owner Trey Reckling. Reckling wrote about Georgia and her treatment with medical marijuana in a Chicago Tribune article in September, 2019.
According to her story, Georgia’s brain was “severely swollen, and if the swelling wasn’t reduced it could have resulted in brain damage.”
She wrote she lived in “marijuana-friendly Seattle,” and noted that her veterinarian asked “what we thought about an emergency intervention using medical marijuana.” She said he told her he could not prescribe it, but “if we got the right dose, it may be more effective than any pharmacy-grade medicine he could offer.” So they got the medical marijuana.
Find out more about Georgia’s healing and happy life here.
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