a wedding dress and a baby’s funeral

a wedding dress and a baby's funeralA wedding dress and a baby’s funeral – what could they have in common? In the United Kingdom, the dress honors thousands of stillborn children and those who die shortly after birth.


Cherished Gowns UK transforms wedding dresses into clothing for babies to wear at their funerals. One woman, Yvonne Trimble, decided to donate her wedding dress. Her decision to help grieving parents soon took on a life of its own.

Cherished Gowns sent Trimble pictures of her wedding dress transformed into seven dresses sewn with bits of embroidery. According to Woman’s Day, Trimble was “overwhelmed with the results” and posted a “moving message on Facebook to praise the charity for their good work.”

Earlier this year, almost 100,000 people had shared her post. She received thousands of friend requests, “along with heartbreaking messages from parents suffering from the loss of a child.”

Woman’s Day stated that Megan McKay, co-founder of Cherished Gowns, told Mashable that there was a huge reaction to (Trimble’s) Facebook post, even though the charity always sends pictures to those who donate their dresses. 

As a result, Cherished Gown’s website says its waiting list has over 6,000 wedding dresses on it, and the list is currently closed. The website says the waiting list will reopen in January 2017, but urges people to check for updates because it could open sooner.

   a wedding dress and a baby's funeral                                                                                                                                                           a wedding dress and a baby's funeral


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