Terms of Use


By submitting a story, you agree to be bound by the terms of use set out below. storiesfromacottage.com reserves the right to change, modify, or replace the terms of use at any time without prior notice. Any such changes will be posted on storiesfromacottage.com and will become effective immediately upon posting.

Terms of Use
Stuart Miles/freedigitalphotos.net

(1) You agree not to submit any material which is defamatory, or which infringes any applicable copyright, or which violates any state or federal law, and further agree to protect, defend, save and hold harmless storiesfromacottage.com and Sharen H. McArthur from any claim or lawsuit arising out of the publication of materials submitted by you to storiesfromacottage.com.

(2) By submitting materials to storiesfromacottage.com, you expressly warrant and represent that either such (1) materials are your sole property, or (2) you have the express written consent of the owner(s) to submit such materials to storiesfromacottage.com for publication consistent with the terms of use of storiesfromacottage.com.

(3) When your story is accepted, you are giving storiesfromacottage.com and Sharen H. McArthur first electronic publication rights and non-exclusive subsequent publication rights. This means that we get to be the first to publish your story. We are not interested in stories that have already been published elsewhere. Then, after it has been published on our website, we can republish the story, in or in connection with, storiesfromacottage.com, including electronic or hard copy promotional material and printed compilations.

storiesfromacottage.com, however, does not own your story. After we publish it on our website, you may sell it  without needing our approval, as long as the people who buy it know that they are buying it non-exclusively.

(4) storiesfromacottage.com is not required to publish materials which are submitted and reserves the right to reject submissions based on length, content, or any other criteria which storiesfromacottage.com and Sharen H. McArthur, in their sole discretion, deem appropriate.

(5) Once materials are published on storiesfromacottage.com, they will not be removed or deleted based solely on your request. If, as part of a request that such material be removed or deleted, you provide a reason which storiesfromacottage.com and Sharen H. McArthur, in their sole discretion, consider a good and valid reason, your story will be removed and deleted from storiesfromacottage.com.

(6) You must be at least 13 years of age to submit a story for publication on storiesfromacottage.com. Any visitors under the age of 13 should not disclose or provide personally identifiable information. If storiesfromacottage.com elects to begin collecting personally identifiable information, we will do so in compliance with applicable privacy laws, including the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

(7) storiesfromacottage.com and Sharen H. McArthur may edit or otherwise modify your true story submission before publication for content, grammar, punctuation or other reason which, in the sole opinion of storiesfromacottage.com or Sharen H. McArthur, are necessary before your story may be published.

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